Osteopathy for Children

It is common for people to believe that babies and children do not have structural strains and stresses in their bodies because they are young. However, the reality is very different.

We provide the best osteopathy for children with specialist osteopaths. Our trained specialists use cranial osteopathy to treat pain that your child or baby may not be able to explain.

Osteopathy for children

How can osteopathy for children help?

As the baby grows and becomes a child, the effects of retained moulding can lead to other problems, listed below are the most common:

  • Infections, retained moulding and birth stresses deplete the immune system leaving the child more vulnerable to infection.
  • Behavioural problems and learning difficulties, causing poor concentration
  • Constant fidgeting and hyperactivity.
  • Retained moulding compression makes them uncomfortable in one position for too long which becomes habit forming, modifying normal learning patterns in the brain.
  • Headaches, aches and pains.

Osteopathy for babies

Not all babies cope well with the process of birth when passing down the birth canal. Mechanical stresses affect the nerve supply from the neck and head, in return affecting the tongue causing feeding problems or to the gastric nerves causing colic. The tension in the skull can also cause the baby to be in a constant state of alert and the baby then has difficulty sleeping.

Babies suffer from musculoskeletal issues just like adults, however they cannot always tell you if they have a sore neck, jaw or a headache. If your baby is having feeding difficulties and you have had midwives, health visitors, NCT advisors, doctors and breast-feeding counsellors assisting you, yet you are still having problems, then the issue may be physical. This is where a paediatric/cranial osteopath can help.

At GW Osteopathy Jennifer Beck not only specialises in treating babies and children, but is also training to become a midwife; and Gemma Ware also has many years experience in Children’s Osteopathy. The treatment is designed for those babies who are having difficulties adapting to their new environment outside the womb.

All treatment is using gentle cranial Osteopathy which is safe and particularly suitable for soft delicate infant bodies.

This treatment is good to help soothe and relax stressed babies.

Scientific studies have been started to demonstrate the effectiveness of cranial osteopathy on infants suffering with colic. The findings of this study were that babies treated with cranial osteopathy showed a marked decrease in in the amount of time spent crying, and an increase in the amount of time asleep. In comparison, the babies who were not treated with cranial osteopathy did not show the same improvements. You can read more about this here.

Thanks to this beautiful little one's mum for sharing these pictures of her baby having cranial osteopathy.

Young Children & Teenagers

If your young child or teenager has poor posture, it will remain throughout adulthood if left unaddressed. This can have an enormous effect on self-esteem and confidence, and can predispose them to spinal problems as adults. The huge growth that takes place from age 11 – 16 can put strain on the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons, especially if the child is sporty (we have treated many children who have suffered from sporting injuries).

We treat children as a routine appointment like we do with adults following a sporting season or event, even if they are not feeling any pain, in order to prevent any problems from arising in the first place.

Gemma is one of our osteopaths who specialises with children and teenagers.

Osteopathy for children can be used to treat pain or to increase strength and mobility to prevent problems arising. 

Want to find out more about osteopathy for children of any age?

We’d be happy to answer any questions so please get in touch with us or have a look at this article from Baby magazine.

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