Many of the symptoms of Long Covid can benefit from osteopathic treatment which can relax tense muscles, reduce stress, ease respiratory effort and improve energy levels.
Hearing from ITU
Denise worked many long days in ITU during the peaks of covid helping patients when at their lowest and understands the temporary and long Covid effects better than most having had such close relationships with these amazing patients in hospital.
Denise states:
“As an Osteopath I found myself doing the very basics of movement such as breathing exercises and distinctive techniques applicable to each individuals symptoms. Core strengthening was essential for the ability to go from lying to sitting and this was a priority. Once there they then had to master sitting at the edge of the bed. Learning to breath again independent from external sources and gleaning enough respiratory intake to go on to do more was a huge undertaking for everyone of the patients I saw.
“Building confidence and encouraging and reinforcing the constant need to keep moving and not become deconditioned which is often the case whilst in hospital was paramount for me.”
Visiting the clinic for treatment
Eugene has also treated patients who are out of hospital and able to visit the clinic for treatment.
Eugene explains:
“We have time to have a detailed chat with our patients about their long Covid symptoms and the effect it is having in them. We can offer exercise and lifestyle advice at an appropriate level for each patient.”
Treatments are a combination of gentle soft tissue and mobilisation techniques which relax tense muscles, reduces stress, eases respiratory effort and improves energy levels.
Want to know more?
Get in touch on 01483 400207 or click here to book an appointment.